London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show Set To Further London As A Superyacht Hub
London has long been a home to superyacht professionals from all sectors within the industry, as well as a long list of high-net-worths and yachting aficionados; and the London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show (LYJAPCS) is preparing to open a showcase which will complete London’s yachting pedigree and further establish the city as a global superyacht hub.
Albeit the annual London Boat Show provides the UK with an insight into the wider marine sector, it barely scratches the surface of the superyacht world. We speak to Peter Bryant, LYJAPCS Director, to get a better idea of why this show will accelerate luxury yacht activity in one of the world’s most important financial markets.
Where did the demand for the LYJAPCS originate from?
“From the Exhibiting Companies. For some time it had become very apparent that a large proportion of superyacht owners and luxury yacht owners resided in London, especially during the early Spring around Easter. London now has twice as many billionaires and millionaires than any other city on earth, so if you want to sell a superyacht, it is clearly the place to be.
Speaking to many of the major players in the industry, nearly all of them said that yes they would be interested in taking part in a show in London, so after much analysis of where, when and how we would do the show, it has rapidly developed into what we all hope will be a very good event.”
How does this further London’s position as a major player in superyacht geography?
“I think London is already a major player in the Superyacht market. All of the major super yacht brokers have offices here, plus several shipyards. What this event will do, like all good events, will be to Showcase London as THE place to do business, where clients can be met and projects discussed.
This event is being held at the perfect time of year - just after Easter when many yacht owners and yacht charterers start thinking of their plans for the summer. The beauty of this event, is that we are effectively taking the superyacht industry to the clients, rather than expecting them to visit us. Mayfair, Belgravia, Chelsea, Knightsbridge are all just a few minutes away, while the Financial City is right next to us.”
What are your expectations for the show?
“This event is all about meeting clients and potential clients. We hope all the Exhibitors go away from the event having made new potential clients and having had the opportunity to promote their yachts, cars, jets and companies at a high level both before and during the event. In total, we have several dozen magazines following the event, plus top London, national and international newspapers and two TV channels involved.
Given the revenue we have received, the marketing of this event is being done to a very high level, with major promotions for example in the Financial Times & Evening Standard, who between them reach over 3 Million wealthy London based businessmen and women.”
How is this show doing something different in terms of matching yachting and luxury brands?
“This is a key point. To get a HNWI to come to an event just about yachts would be difficult. From the outset, we want this event to be entertaining and have therefore invited a wide range of luxury brand companies to participate. The result is that we have many luxury yachting companies taking part alongside the likes of McLaren & Aston Martin, several Jet Companies, some prestigious furnishing companies and even Harrods. Add to that two great Champagne Bars, a wonderful ‘In-Water Show’ featuring Britain’s top yacht brands, plus land based displays like the British Hovercraft Company. Finally we are also honoured to have the Queens Row Barge ‘Gloriana’ at the event, fully dressed up, for guests to view and admire. In all you have a show which we believe will be very attractive to all guests, and much, much more than just a yacht show.”
The London Yacht, Jet & Prestige Car Show will be running from Wednesday 8th of April to the 10th, and will be delivering news directly from the show.