MYS16: Fraser Yachts on Evolving Ethics

By Ben Roberts

Marking 70 years, Fraser Yachts introduces the new arrival of Raphael Sauleau who discusses his visionary pursuits in his new position as CEO of Fraser Yachts. From discussing the evolving charter market of meeting the desires of new and existing clients to remaining at the foreground of ethicality, Fraser Yachts shares it’s exciting plans to expand the creative demands in new and innovative ways.

Ethics and transparency in the industry, are the practices in which Fraser Yachts prides itself on, understanding the importance of these values as the foundation of it’s success.

“From our perspective at Fraser Yachts we have always put forward ethics as being the number one value in the yachting industry. So obviously we are pushing very much for such practices to be enforced in the industry, It’s key for our customers”

Appealing to new clients, an evolving demographic, the importance of recognising how to remain current, fresh and innovative in its approach to both a new and existing client base.

“Some like to think we are a little traditional, which is correct, it is very good, but the industry is moving, the world is changing and we have new generations coming up, so we want to be approachable to this new generations as much as we are to the existing client base."

"So we are doing a lot of things in regards to exposure with DJ companies, green ecological companies as well. We are working on new partnerships with hotel shares, car makers, very exciting times ahead.”

For more information on the Richard Earp Award and the acclaim world-class ethics deserve, watch the above video in full.

By Ben Roberts