Rhoades Young designer seriously injured in sailing accident


It has been revealed that during the Shipman Regatta, which took place in Slovenia over the weekend, an accident occurred on a 70 foot sailing yacht, producing a serious injury to yacht designer Jonathan Rhoades of Rhoades Young Design Group.

The press release goes on to say the following:

“His family has now being brought to Ljubljana and Jonathan’s spirits are improving. At present we are waiting for further news from the doctors and we hope to be able to transport Jonathan back to UK as soon as possible. All parties, since the first incidence of the accident, have been exemplary in their efforts for which we are all very grateful. We have also received many messages of goodwill, which gives Jonathan great solace and support.”

Our thoughts and condolences go out to Jonathan Rhoades, his family and the team at Rhoades Young Design Group.

"All parties, since the first incidence of the accident, have been exemplary in their efforts for which we are all very grateful."

Rhoades Young Design Group


"All parties, since the first incidence of the accident, have been exemplary in their efforts for which we are all very grateful."

Rhoades Young Design Group
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